A single sales reference, by proximity and/or by product type
Our sales network is structured according to production specialization types and/or our customers’ territory location. This is to enable them to always have a single sales reference (front/back-office and pre/post-sales support), by proximity or by product type.
Our central supply chain will take care of managing the incoming requests and will appropriately answer in due time all of the customers’ requests.
We will play as a team, putting our strong know-how in the steel sector out on the field to proactively relate with our customers giving them prompt and reactive answers.
These are our strengths.
Find out your new sales account and contact ArcelorMittal CLN

automotive [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

appliances [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)
Household appliances

energy [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

yellowgoods [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)
Yellow goods

lifting [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

architecture [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

agriculture [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

transport [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)

roadsafety [at] arcelormittalcln.com (Contact)
Road safety
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