The World Day for Health and Safety at Work, which takes place on April 28 each year, was established in 2003 by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is the event aimed at commemorating injured or deceased workers, raise people's awareness of accident prevention and promote a "culture of safety".
ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia supports this important day as it believes that the well-being of its workers is its priority.
The protection of health and safety in the workplace is a commitment and a responsibility of the company towards all the people who work there, their families and future generations. For this reason, it considers safety the first and most important company value.
ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia has decided to undertake this path - together with its collaborators - by providing human, instrumental and economic resources to implement a safety plan based on four pillars:
- reduce the number of accidents by setting annual objectives (adoption of a safety plan consisting of various points including the adoption of a Health and Safety Policy; training / information; creation of an audit system, etc.).
- place the safety targets on the same level as the production and quality targets;
- constantly and directly involve all collaborators;
- act on behaviors, in order to develop the "Culture of Safety" and awareness of individual responsibility in this area, ensuring the understanding, application and maintenance, at all levels of the company organization, of correct operating procedures, of the safety standards in force, the provisions of the Management.
In particular, this year ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia wanted to further concretize the involvement of staff - also following two particular years influenced by Covid 19 and the presence of a war in the vicinity - by proposing the compilation of a questionnaire capable of highlighting the difficulties experienced by the collaborators, sharing the best solutions that allow them to maintain the level of well-being and safety at work that existed before this particular period.
… The “CULTURE OF SAFETY” to which we must aspire is represented by the “CORRECT BEHAVIOR” in daily work and not….