Caselette-Alpignano & Tamagnone | 2017 Day of Health and Safety at Work


On June 24th, 2017, the yearly Day of Health and Safety at Work took place at the Caselette-Alpignano plant. The training day was attended also by the employees of Tamagnone, the Group's subsidiary specialized in logistic and transport of coils.

Considerations about the 2017 slogan of the Group's Day of Health and Safety at Work "Pensa sicuro. Agisci sicuro." (Think safe. Act safe) opened the sessions, together with the strategic importance of the team play in achieving the result of 0 accidents. Thinking about consequences, acting as a team, respecting the rules are among the behaviours which should be carried out during daily working activities: routine and habits, distractions, not applying standard procedures, misuse of PPE can lead to underestimate danger that occurr during daily work, thus causing accidents and injuries. 

Safety is close to our heart!