

Day established by the General Assembly of United Nations with the aim of promulgating the transition towards the circular economy and strengthening awareness of “zero waste” in the context of sustainable development.

In this regard, AMCLN takes into account the circular economy by adopting practices of reuse and recycling of waste materials in order to extend the life cycle of products. 

More information available at:


Day established by the United Nations General Assembly with the aim of highlighting and raising awareness of the importance of reducing water waste by applying behaviors aimed at opposing climate change.

AMCLN, aware of the importance of this topic, is committed to preserving water resources through water recycling in order to limit the waste.

More information available on the website:


Day established by the United Nations General Assembly to highlight how the transition to clean and renewable energy sources is essential to address current environmental and socioeconomic challenges and ensure human survival and the well-being of the planet.

As AMCLN, we consider this topic fundamental and are committed - directly and indirectly - to the use of clean and renewable energy sources.

More information available at:



This year we decided to join the "A TREE FOR SAFETY" project with the patronage of ANMIL (Associazione Nazionale fra Lavoratori Mutilati e Invalidi del Lavoro) and Azione Cattolica.

This tree represents our commitment to fighting and reducing the risk of accidents at work, which is why we dedicate it to all victims of work and their families.


25 November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The United Nations campaign, "Orange the World", aims to raise global awareness on this critical issue and is supported by UN Women Italy


At ArcelorMittal CLN, we are committed to promoting gender equality in the workplace every day. We actively engage our employees through various initiatives, both at the central and local levels, to foster an inclusive environment.


On 11 July 2024 the "Health and Safety Days 2024" tour ended with the Atella site. This last event also involved the workers of AMCLN Atella and MA Melfi sites.

The day saw the alternation of interventions both on safety and environment, concluding with the awarding of the safety spots prepared by the workers of the AMCLN and MA companies.

The awards were:

1. Best Idea at AMCLN Marcon

2. Better effectiveness of the message to MA Melfi

3. Best commercial at AMCLN Caselette/Alpignano

The event ended with a goodbye to 2025.


On June 22nd, the “Health and Safety Days 2024” tour landed in Condove. This third event involved the workers of AMCLN Caselette and Alpignano sites; of MA Condove, Rivoli and Chivasso sites; of MWI Rivoli site; of CTL S.r.l. and Tamagnone S.r.l.


On May 10th, the second stage of the "Health and Safety Days 2024" tour was at the Fontanellato site, involving all the workers of the AMCLN Group plants.

In this second event, in addition to the workers from the Fontanellato site, those from the Osimo and Marcon sites also participated.

The last two stages will be held in Condove (TO) and Atella (PZ).

Also during this day, the attention of all participants was drawn to the principles of the culture of health, safety and the environment, fundamental cornerstones for the AMCLN Group.


On April 5th, the first of four "Health and Safety Days 2024" was held at the Monza site, involving all workers of the AMCLN Group plants.

At this first event, in addition to the workers of the Monza site, those of the AMCLN Group companies Delna S.p.A. and Tamagnone S.r.l. also participated.

The next three stages will be held at the sites of Fontanellato (PR), Condove (TO) and Atella (PZ).

The Health and Safety Days are moments of great importance to draw the attention of all participants to the principles of health and safety culture.


In 2023 AMCLN reduced the environmental impact also thanks to rail transport for the north and from the beginning of 2024 it also implemented the train solution for the central south.

Less CO2 generated in 2023, decrease of approximately 470 tons, and further reduction in the future !




25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, established in 1999 in memory of all victims.

This day aims to raise awareness of the many forms of violence that women suffer every day: feminicide, psychological, economic, sexual, linguistic violence, wage inequality.


The 73rd National Day for Victims of Accidents at Work will be celebrated on 8 October 2023.

ANMIL, the Italian National Association of Mutilated and Disabled Workers, organizes awareness events throughout Italy. Safety at work is always a priority.

This is the official link: ANMIL



We publish below the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1st September 2023):




1st September 2023


Dear brothers and sisters!


After a "pause" due to the COVID pandemic, we have finally resumed the organisation of Safety Days, a tool to keep the culture of Health and Safety alive among the employees.

On 10 June the Safety Day was held in the Condove plant for the Piedmont plants of CLN Group.


Today June 5th is World Environment Day.

We have always been sensitive to the environment and is committed to reducing plastic pollution and raising awareness among employees and collaborators.


We would like to bring to your attention the booklet Our common Home: A guide to caring for our living planet.

It has been promoted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

It is available in several languages and can be downloaded from this link:


World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023 will be celebrated according to the theme: "A healthy and safe working environment is a fundamental and fair principle at work"

More than 2.3 million people die each year as a result of work-related injuries and occupational diseases. In Italy, reports of accidents at work in 2022 increased by 25.7% compared to the year 2021!

It is important to make everyone… workers, employers, institutions… aware of the essential right of a safe, inclusive and sustainable work environment.



March 8 is International Women’s Day - a global day of celebration which takes place annually as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every company’s DNA – so let us all in CLN Group take some time today to celebrate and promote the achievements of women, and commit to continue to work together towards gender equality. 



We publish below the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September 2022)




Always aiming at sustainability, ArcelorMittal CLN contributed to the projects of the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium: the Schools WeTree project and the Forestry project in the city of Parma and the province .

The WeTree project, designed for schools of all levels, aims to raise awareness and inform students about the importance and value of perennial forests and urban greenery for the community.
